Sunday Service at 1228 11th St. Paso Robles, CA 93446

Sunday, 10:00 a.m. Wednesday, 6:00-7:30 p.m.


6-7:30 PM

Apostle Brad Elijah

One of the first things you’ll discover about NewDay is the warm welcome and love you'll receive!! God loves everyone and we want to share that love with you!! We are vibrant worshippers of Jesus and we desire his presence through our Worship time!

Gods presence is here just for you!! Worship is a central part of your New Day! When God is lifted up then his power is released to stop your enemies. Our music and celebration of the Lord is vibrant and alive!!

His presence will touch you in a deep way and leave you wanting more!! To us its more than singing a few songs but encountering a God that loves us!! You will have the freedom to express your love for him in the way you can!!

We want you to be connected with us just like family. Everybody wants to feel a sense of belonging. And we want you to feel that you belong at NewDay!!

NewDay is a place you can belong to. Its not about me and I its about us…together helping one another in this great adventure! When you are connected with the right place things are a little easier. You know that someone cares about you no matter what you’re facing or going through. We’re here for you!!


Some ways you'll be connected:

Home Groups - Worship teams- Ushers/Greeters - Altar Ministries - Prayer Ministries - OutReach Teams

Inquire about these connections with our ushers or Leadership Team. We are here to help!!


New Day Church - Paso Robles, California 1228 11th Street AJACENT TO (SITEONE CENTER BUILDING)

New Day Church - Santa Maria, California 1660 S. Broadway (United Way Bldg. upstairs in Upper Room)

Expect to Encounter God with the power of Holy Spirit


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Worship is essential in our church! Cause its essential in heaven….Jesus said the Father is seeking TRUE Worshippers!

WE WANT TO BE THOSE WORSHIPPERS that worship Him in Spirit and in TRUTH! We want everyone lifting up holy hands to Jesus at NewDay.

We have a vibrant worship team waiting for you to get involved in. If you sing, play or dance contact:

Apostle Brad:


Church Office: (805) 239-9998

Get Equipped 

We believe in equipping the people for the work of the ministry! everyone Is important in Gods great heart.

You have a destiny Find out what it is and your role in accomplishing it. We want to help you find it and thrive!!



WE SEEK AFTER A FRESH REVIVAL THAT GOD IS BRINGING TO us and to the nations. We need a fresh awakening!!!

 Revival is not just a buzz word for us but a cry from our hearts that Gods name will be recovered and the world may know Jesus Christ!!

 May God send revival to our households and the world!!


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